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Capturing dreams and a journey from Poland to Finland


Klaudia Cieplinska is a visual storyteller whose narrative revolves around the realms of entrepreneurship and photography. Her journey as an entrepreneur began in 2014, when she decided to turn her inner passion for photography into a thriving business. The story originated in Poland and continued successfully as she reached Finland, and founded her company, Musta Mäki Media. However, entrepreneurship wasn’t an immediate clear choice for her, as Klaudia had previously worked in a routine role in the finance industry.

Klaudia’s work primarily involves capturing stories through photographs and making videos using a drone. As a visual storyteller, she freezes moments and creations through her camera lens. She crafts visual narratives that show emotions and tell stories. Klaudia’s photographs span a wide range, from portraits to wedding captures and even business advertisement images.

Pictures taken by Klaudia / Musta Mäki Media

Pictures taken by Klaudia / Musta Mäki Media

Starting her journey as an entrepreneur almost ten years ago, Klaudia’s entrepreneurial career has a strong foundation. She has a wide set of skills and knowledge and has experienced entrepreneurship in Poland and Finland. She stepped onto the path of entrepreneurship after discovering her passion for photography and deciding to pursue it. Klaudia’s journey as an entrepreneur wasn’t always full-time from the start. She recalls how her journey in photography began while she was working in other roles. However, later, she fully dedicated herself to entrepreneurship and turned photography into her main occupation.

Bold decisions led the way of change

Klaudia found her calling in entrepreneurship during a time of change. Health problems brought about the need for change, leading her to photography and changing the scenery. Her desire to capture beauty and convey stories through photographs ignited strongly, and entrepreneurship provided her the opportunity to do these things independently and creatively.

Entrepreneurship was something that happened because things changed. I wanted to be an entrepreneur to be free and make my own decisions. Being an entrepreneur gave me the kind of freedom I yearned for.

Klaudia notes that the most rewarding aspect of entrepreneurship is the happiness of her clients. She particularly recalls a comment from one client about her boudoir photographs, likening them to giving birth. Seeing her photographs featured on clients’ websites, social media, and articles makes her feel that her work holds real value.

Pictures taken by Klaudia / Musta Mäki Media

Pictures taken by Klaudia / Musta Mäki Media

However, entrepreneurship wasn’t always easy. Klaudia admits that the most challenging part has been building a stable customer base and establishing visibility in new environments. As an entrepreneur, she constantly needs to find new ways to attract clients and stand out from competitors. But where there is trouble, there are great moments too and Klaudia recounts a significant achievement that left a strong impact on her. It was an honour for her to photograph images for the Marriott Hotel in Poland, and these images were published in one of Poland’s largest newspapers. This achievement reinforced Klaudia’s belief that her photographs hold genuine value and can reach a wide audience.

When asked where she sees herself in a year, Klaudia envisions herself as a growing entrepreneur. She aims to acquire more clients, gain broader visibility, and hopes to offer even more diverse photography services. What primarily motivates Klaudia in entrepreneurship is freedom. She loves the ability to make her own decisions and bring her projects to life. The creative process of photography, the joy of her clients, and the prospects of a growing business inspire her to keep moving forward.
Challenges may sometimes arise, including competition in the field and the challenges of adapting to a new business environment. However, Klaudia believes that perseverance, creativity, and adaptability will help her overcome these obstacles.

Photography, captured images and videos would live on even if entrepreneurship would end

When asked what would happen if entrepreneurship were to end tomorrow, Klaudia reflects on the work that would remain undone. Her photography is her way of leaving a lasting impact on the world, and she recognizes that her work would be a great loss if it were to suddenly cease. Photographs are meaningful to people, people want to have memories of their life, themselves, their family, and friends and as Klaudia has a camera, that will never cease to exist.

Pictures taken by Klaudia / Musta Mäki Media

Pictures taken by Klaudia / Musta Mäki Media

I believe I will leave my mark with my photographs and videos. The photographs are hanging on my customers’ walls, capturing important memories and my beautiful videos shot by a drone like the video of Jyväskylä in 2023 will live on to be seen.

Klaudia sees entrepreneurship in Finland as a bit challenging, especially when compared to Poland, due to the different business environment and competitive landscape. She identifies the difficulty of acquiring new clients as a significant aspect. Despite these challenges, Klaudia has many dreams for her entrepreneurship journey. She aims to expand her photography services and attract clients from around the world.

A vision for a more supportive and innovative entrepreneurial landscape in Finland

While Klaudia feels that entrepreneurs are appreciated in Finland, she also sees the potential to enhance this appreciation and understanding of entrepreneurship. As an entrepreneur, she recognizes the importance of her work and would like to see entrepreneurs receive even more recognition and support. Klaudia suggests that increasing appreciation for entrepreneurs could involve raising awareness about the multifaceted nature of entrepreneurs’ work and their meaningful contribution to society. Sharing entrepreneurs’ stories more frequently could help people better understand their contributions.

Pictures taken by Klaudia / Musta Mäki Media

Pictures taken by Klaudia / Musta Mäki Media

Klaudia wishes for more openness and enthusiasm for innovation among entrepreneurs. She envisions entrepreneurs being more willing to explore new avenues and grow their businesses. Klaudia believes that promoting entrepreneurship positively could be achieved by providing more support and education for entrepreneurs. Encouraging young individuals to consider entrepreneurship from an early age and helping them understand its possibilities could be beneficial. Additionally, sharing inspiring examples of entrepreneurs’ stories could motivate others.

You can explore Klaudia’s work on her company’s website, Musta Mäki Media.

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