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Buyers of Work

Pay Salaries with One Payment

Employ a light entrepreneur with the help of Finland’s favourite invoicing service, UKKO.fi!

We at UKKO.fi offer a great solution to buy work easily. When a light entrepreneur invoices via UKKO.fi, your company pays for the work with one payment. We take care of the bureaucracy and salary related paperwork. 

Working life is fragmented and diverse forms of work have become more common. At UKKO.fi, we want to do our share to incentivise people in working life, and support Finnish light entrepreneurs.

Contract workers can use our service to invoice various organisations – companies, associations, unions or private individuals – for assignments.

We take care of administrative bureaucracy and statutory declarations to the tax administration and insurance companies.

As a client assigning projects, do you know why it’s worth employing light entrepreneurs and switching to an invoicing service?

  • You can make invoicing easier for your gig workers.
  • If subcontracting from large firms seems too cumbersome, you can employ a light entrepreneur efficiently.
  • You can commission work as needed, on a flexible basis.
  • Contract workers are motivated, because they operate as entrepreneurs.
  • You have no need to worry about whether or not tasks will be done.

In assignments, we handle

  • Salary calculation
  • Tax payments and other statutory payments
  • Travel costs and expense reporting
  • Accident and liability insurance
  • Income register notifications
  • Pension insurance contributions
  • Salary payment

Contact us with any questions and for information on how we can join forces to support the employment of light entrepreneurs.


Four easy steps!

How does UKKO.fi work?

  • The job is agreed by the client and contract worker.
  • The work is done as agreed.
  • The contract worker creates an invoice via the UKKO.fi service.
  • The client pays the invoice.
  • UKKO.fi pays the salary to the contract worker.

When is a contractor relationship possible?

The client should be aware of the differences between an employment and contractor relationship.

A contractor relationship is usually based on fulfilling a few key terms and conditions. The Finnish Tax Administration and Finnish Centre for Pensions supervise the boundaries between contractor and employment relationships.

You should be aware that subcontracting is not suitable for all sectors or tasks.  An employment relationship cannot be disguised as a contractor relationship.

Work done via an invoicing service must be performed within a contractor relationship; work done within an employee relationship cannot be billed for via an invoicing service.

Key hallmarks of a contractor relationship:

  • The entrepreneur’s risk and responsibilities, which also apply to light entrepreneurs.
  • The right to decide when work is done (irregular working hours).
  • There is no direct ‘right to manage’, comparable to an employment relationship, between the client and contract worker.
  • An entrepreneur or light entrepreneur can have several clients.
  • A contractor relationship is agreed between the parties.
  • The entrepreneur has the possibility to decide their own working hours.

If these terms are by and large fulfilled, a contractor relationship is formed.